McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome To Western Civilization Part Two

Welcome to Western Civilization Part Two! Altough I know the majority of you, there are several of you that I am still awaiting to get to know. In doing so I would like to hear from each one of you about what you are expecting from this class, from myself and your classmates. For those of you who have taken my class before, there are a few changes that will be in place (i.e. blogging) and I look forward to receiving feedback on what you like, dislike, and what can be improved.
Please take a moment to comment on what your expectations are for this class, your expectations of yourself and your expectations of the teacher. I am interested in seeing what your goals are for this class and how I can assist you in reaching these goals. I look forward to getting to know each one of you as we embark on our journey!

Please post to this blog by Wed January 25th.


Blogger Alison said...

Thanks for the comments so far! It seems as though we all have high expectations for the class. Just like the majority of you, I want to learn as well. Your contributions to the class are extremely valued and I look forward to our journey.

Many of you have also said that you expect or want an A in the class. What does an A mean? What is more important, the grade or the learning experience?

7:13 AM  
Blogger David L said...

What I expect from this class is to gain a broad knowledge of European history. I like the way you tied the reading in with each other last semester to help us understand the content. I think that really helped me understand how events happened and how people fit into those events.

8:48 PM  
Blogger robbm said...

i would like every thing to stay the same as last semester. i like the way u teach and the way u tie the content into a context where it is easy for me to learn and understand it. last semester i had a hard time due to my illnessess and my absceneses. but im fellling good and ready for class so i should do better than last year!...
i hope to be more socialable in class too!...

3:23 AM  
Blogger tomatogangster said...

I expect to learn new things and also learn more about things and events that I have already learned about in other classes. I would like you to have some sort of review day before major tests.

12:10 AM  
Blogger EricF said...

I foresee that this class will inform me on alot of new things. Already we are learning about reasons behind the French Revolution, and it seems to be a case of "I thought I knew, but I had no idea.". I also expect that Ms. McBride will make everyday special, and to make notation of her comment, the experiance is more important because otherwise I will not be able to remember the events while I attend college. (I hope that I'm McBride's shining star and EARN an 'A',,,) and since I read the entire Blog, and all 73 Posts I would bring some light... Although*....Typo, I know, not your fault, just pointing it out.

9:05 PM  

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