When is a revolution justified?
As we study the French Revolution, I want you to think about what a revolution is and whether or not a revolution can be justified. In your opinion what is a revolution ( what are the steps for a revolution, the goal of a revolution) and secondly what makes a revolution justified? You might think about revolutions today, who should start the revolution, is it not justified until the final outcome is assessed, who decides whether or not it is justified....
Thomas Jefferson once said that a revolution must occur every 20 years. Link onto the following site and read the top section to support your opinion.
Along with stating your opinion, you are required to not only comment on my post, but another one of your classmates comment. I am trying to encourage more of a dialogue on the blog, then a single comment. Remember, if you diagree or agree with another comment, support why you are agreeing or disagreeing with them.
Reminder... this is required for group 2, however, all western civ students may comment!
Thomas Jefferson once said that a revolution must occur every 20 years. Link onto the following site and read the top section to support your opinion.
Along with stating your opinion, you are required to not only comment on my post, but another one of your classmates comment. I am trying to encourage more of a dialogue on the blog, then a single comment. Remember, if you diagree or agree with another comment, support why you are agreeing or disagreeing with them.
Reminder... this is required for group 2, however, all western civ students may comment!
What if what they "want" is not a just reason? What determines a just revolution? Who are the leaders that lead a revolution? When you say the people are unhappy with the government who are you talking about? The majority, minority, outsiders?
Great Comments so far... remember, you can Disagree with some of your fellow classmates....
A lot of you are commenting on how you believe that if the government is unfairly treating the people, they then are just in overthrowing the government. What if that group of people make up the MINORITY... for example, the Jewish Population in Nazi Germany, African Americans during the civil rights movement, the hugenots in France????
After reading almost all of the comments I find my views most in line with Laine, because I dont believe that one is able to label a rebellion, or a hostile takeover of the government as a "Revolution" because when Saddam Haussain (sp?) took over Iraq or "started a revolution in kuwait" his people, his followers believed that it was revolution, we are simply the followers of our forefathers, and that is why we percieve the American Revolution as a revolution instead of an "act of terrorism". As far as the article relating to the college having a revolution every 20 years, I feel the author was extremely biased in his views and was simply trying to decimate the names of the administration at his university. A political revolution cannot occur every 20 years in a sucessful society, because the society would not experiance the industrial and technological revolutions that result from stable governments and economies.
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