McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Napoleon.. fulfiller or antithesis of the French Revolution?

Based on our discussions from the Napoleon Movie, your textbook and the 2 pictures (see links below) should Napoleon be considered a fulfillment to the French Revolution or an antithesis of the French Revolution?

Use the pictures to support your answer. What do each picture represent? How do the pictures symbolize both Napoleon and the Revolution?

1) Bonaparte at the Grand-Saint-Bernard Pass (notice the other names on the stones.. i.e. Hannibal)

2) The Coronation of Napoleon

The following link talks about these and other Napoleon paintings.....

Did Napoleon fufill the original goals of the French Revolutiion that were established at the Tennis Court Oath?

Did the goals of the French revolution change over time? Why or why not?

Is Napoleon considered to be a hero? Why or why not?

This is required for Group 3, however, all can participate. Remember you must comment and also make reference to someone else's comment. It is okay to diagree with your classmates!!!!


Blogger David L said...

In my opinion, Napoleon was a fullfiller of the ideals established by the National Assebmly in the Tennis Court Oath. He established himself as dictator and emperor, which kept a monarchy in charge of France, and he established the Napoleon Code and did much to lessen the boundaries between social classes. However, I think that the goals of the revolution had changed pretty dramatically by the time Napoleon came to power. The people no longer seemed to want a powerful monarchy in place. The pictures represent the idea that Napoleon was by himself probably the greatest influence on France during this time. I disagree that Napoleon wanted a Republic for France. While he said that he did, all his actions clearly led to him becoming the monarch and dictator of France. While Napoleon did overreach his bounds in his striving for power, I still think that he can be viewed as a hero for putting down the politcal upheaval of the Revolution, and possibly for saving France from destruction.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

FOr those of you who have not commented yet... think about what we talked about today...

Was Napoleon a hero for france? Did he fulfill Liberty, equality and fraternity?

Without him, would the revolution be a success?

1:29 PM  
Blogger robbm said...

i beleive Napoleon was a 100% fulfiller and then stared to become into a monarcy. Expecially when he took the crown from the pope and put it on his head and then crown his wife. this show that he was a powerful emperor but it also showed embarrassmant to him and the pope. in the picture where he is on his horse that shows that he fought for the government and was a fulfiller. the picture where he is crowning himself shows a monarcy.

i agree with bchanler and laurenc because they belive in the same thing as me.

7:46 PM  
Blogger DaveV said...

Napolean began his "reign" of power with goals of fulfilling the french revolution. some of his ideas include the concordat which gave religious freedom, and he created schools, both of these ideas support revolutionary ideals. As Napoleon continued to hold power and became more succesfull on the battle field, he became arrogant and had a thirst for more power. Towards the end of his power he had the mindset more of a monarch due to this longing for more power. He himself even said he wanted to rule the world.

8:50 PM  
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