McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Here is in interesting editorial that I found recently on Feminism

Another website that I just found is regard to the Equal Rights Amendment. 35 states have ratified the amendment falling short of only three votes.... any idea why the remaining states have not ratified the amendment...espeically when well over 50% of the states have ratified the amendment...

Here is a chart that shows the pay rate difference between men and women (includes race as well).

What are your comments in regard to these articles and our class discussion on Feminism?

Reminder: this is a group one required blog, but the blog is open for anyone else to discuss!


Blogger tomatogangster said...

I agree with some of the points made by Alex. However, I don't believe the piece stated that the men in the office didn't notice the women, but rather that that they had grown indifferent to the women and had just seen them as women. I also think that women don't necessarily need to quit their jobs, but alot of them opt to. They could find a caretaker for their children if they wanted to, but alot of them want to have a part in their child's lives so they quit their jobs. The "CR Groups" are a good idea and women get into them more often. If women have different views on the spectrum and want different things, their will pushing against each other and their equality will not be attained.

6:16 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Is the way in which the men view the women, they way in which women want to be viewed? Is this socially acceptable to base women off of their bodies and their looks? In some cases I would say that both men AND women do this because it is socially acceptable. I think we all see this not only on TV, magazines, etc, but at our high school and community... is this what men and women both want?

Why do you think, or do you think, women of younger generations are hesitant to call themselves a feminist, especially if a feminist is just seeking equality?

7:25 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Kylee.. and others..
Do women really have equal rights today?

Yes women have gained rights, but are they equal to men?

7:50 PM  
Blogger tomatogangster said...

Not all women have equal rights, but they have become MORE equal than in previous times. Total equality cannot be attained because there are certain aspects of both men and women that make them inequal, one of which is the ability to carry offspring.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Ryan, To answer your question about what do feminists have against having children... the feminist movement that emerged out of the 60s and 70s begin to challenge the traditional housewife stereotype of the 1950s. Women of the 1950s were expected to raise children and that was it. So women began to challenge that idea by saying that should not be their only role. The extreme (radical) side of this was some women said that they would not have children. THis part of the movement did not last that long, but several women did wait until they were older to have children.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

I am not sure if women have gotten to a place of comfort. I think the difficult part is (just like men) there are a variety of different roles for women, making it harder to unite like they were able to do in the past for a single cause. I think that as feminism has emerged, its issues have broadened, taking on a variety of issues (harassment, abortion, equal pay, childcare, rights for father, gay rights....etc) which has in a sense created a lack of unity behind the cause.

As for the United States being behind other countries in political office...I think the United States is behind. I'm not sure why we are more hestitant to put more women in office (although this has increased over time)... it might be an issue of tradition or stereotypes.

5:47 PM  
Blogger kirk said...

I wonder what is different in those states? Are there less women in power there?

Also America was founded by men who went home to a wife who cooked and raised the kids... Maybe this has reflected onto our politics now, even though there are women in power. Are women working their way up?

2:44 PM  
Blogger kirk said...

I agree with joshba, If women demand equality they may have to give up some things, and that could cause confusion. Also they may not be equal but they do receive more respect, at least from the decent men.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Why do you think women/girls are brought up to look like a barbie doll? Is that because of women or because of me? WHo are they trying to look good for?

Also- in regards to the comments that the female contradicts herself. Keep in mind that when she was in college that is when she said that she was not going to have children. Years down the road she changed her mind... I would have to say that no one has ever not contradicted themselves... that is a part of life, growing up. I know that I have said a lot of things and believed in things and then as I have grown up, I have changed my thoughts and beliefs! There is nothing wrong with that. I think the point that she is making is that women need to question stereotypes, not just for the good of them, but everyone.

6:48 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Jessica... Do you really think that that is a good thing to have one sex dominant over the other? If it has worked so well, they why are people changing their views.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

I meant to say is that because of women or men... not women and me...

Also going back to Jessica's point of having one sex dominant over the other... think about society's that have this at an extreme... Afghan. etc... don't we want to stray completly away from this... as a female I do not want to be dominated by another person (male or female) and i would think that both sexes would not this either... although it appears that I may be wrong!?

7:03 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

If women want equality then they must make sacrifices? Are they not already doing that!

Should it not be that both men and women should make sacrifices? Is it the men or the women that are the ones that are truely scared of equality?

10:46 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

So Alex.... your saying that men are the ones that make the "tough" decisions?

Here is a question for your, is it a tougher decision to go to war or to do the necessary work to prevent going to war?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Good points being made, esp. the differences between being equal and equal opportunities. We know that men and women can not be "equal" not would we want that, but i do think that having equal opportunities is important.

I think the greatest aspect of the feminist movement is that it has allowed women a choice! Thy can choose to stay home, choose to have a career, choose to go to college... NOT be dominated and told what they should and should not do.... a feminist by any means can be a housewife.... if that is what she wants...

In my opinion feminism = Choice.

8:29 PM  

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