McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Citizenship in a time of terror..

Not sure if any of you watch Boston Legal, but one of the last episodes has sparked some great debate around the United States. Although this is not a U.S. history class, I still feel as though the discussions from this clip will be worthwhile to you.

Go to the following website,
then go to honorees, then go to the Boston Legal Clip that is the 2nd listing under the honoree page, and then click on the movie clip (aprox. 6 minutes) and post your comments.

Things to consider- the role of government in a time of terror, the role of citizens living in a democratic nation, the bill of rights- are they limited/should they be limited/ who then decides, does protesting = a bad/unpatriotic person

Think also about the limitations of government, especially since we are entering a stage of European history, where governments overpowered their people (end of WWI, WWII and the Cold War) and ruled without allowing any opposition....

This is a group 2 blog, but all are welcome to comment... remember to not only comment but make reference to other comments and state why you agree/disagree etc... its always fun to play devils advocate!


Blogger Alison said...

Two of you have stated that although we live in a "free" country, our opinions really do not make a difference.... do you not find that strange and disappointing? As young citizens do you feel as though having an opinion is worthless? Shouldnt a demmocracy work to represent the opinions of its citizens...

If you have no opinion and no ability to express it, are you not allowing those in power to empower you?

10:01 PM  
Blogger EricF said...

Whether or not the government is correct in its budget, or in the way that it "controls" the press and the people will always be debated, however; if you follow this link it will lead you to a news article about U.S. spending on a Toilet Convention....

Now as far as my response to this blog, I think it is absurd for such uproar when no one among us have tried to "overthrow" the Government. I also agree with George Carlin, a comedian, says "The FCC the federal communications Commission decided all by itself that Radio and Televison were the only parts of American life not protected by the free speech provisions of the first amendment of the Constitution." The FCC has been around a substantial amount of time and have been hindering our rights to broadcast free speech. As Ms. McBride stated, without our voice and opinion being heard through protests and other less legal means, we are not being forced into oppression, we as a country are welcoming it. As young people we have an important part of the Government already at hand. Why? Because we, as sad, and scary as it sounds, will run this nation some day, whether that is right into the ground or not is up to us to fight for or protect.

So, in final thought, if all of these injustices are so vile, and filthy, who can call themselves an American if they are willing to sit idle,,, Because American is not about the name of a Country. It is about the Freedom, and Devotion that our founding fathers had for this vague, illogical concept that we now call home.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

But was the lady not "fighting for principles"? Yes, not paying your taxes is unlawful- however, the other means to protest are being limited. If you try to be the minority voice at a rally, convention, etc,, you can be sent away. In my opinion I do not see that as freedom to express your opinion. Is our nation currently faced with the issue of - "Express your opinion- the right way- and only if it is the right opinion"?

6:47 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Great point Eric! "without our voice and opinion being heard through protests and other less legal means, we are not being forced into oppression, we as a country are welcoming it."

Is that what you all want, to welcome oppression?

6:48 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Interesting discussion....

I think we all can agree that Melissa is breaking the law, something that many would see as a very bad thing.... however, do you sometimes have to break the law, or test the law in order to make a point...
Did Melissa do what she wanted to do - get the attention of the government? yes the way in which she went about it may be "wrong"... but does wrong sometimes equal right?
Melissa is doing something very brave... not conforming.... how many of you are willing to not conform? conformity is easy....

9:22 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Good point Matt... I think your exactly right that when young people do take on an issue they receive public attention... look at the Remember campaign... when you guys do decide to not only care about an issue but then act on the issue your voice is heard... probably more so then casting a voice. Why then are teens so hesitant to do more?

9:42 PM  

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