McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Friday, February 17, 2006

Arapahoe High School Blog Policy


It has been asked of me to share the Arapahoe High School Blog policy with all of you. Please take the time to read this policy and then just comment that you agree or diagree so that I know that you have read the policy.

** For those of you who are using your last name in your DISPLAY name, please change this now!!!! *** See me if you need to know how to do this!

As many of you might be aware, there as been several reports of teenagers and blogging and some of the risks that could be involved. For example

This is just a friendly reminder to use "good" judgement when participating in an internet blog.

A Modest Proposal Fishbowl

For those of you who did not have the opportunity to comment during class today or who want to contribute more than you did, you may do so under this blog. There were several questions and ideas that were discussed today,
  • How does Modest Proposal tie into industrialism?
  • What role does religion play in this satire (what is a papist?)?
  • Who was Swift (Protestant, Irish Upper Class) and how might this influence his proposal?
  • What is Swift "making fun of"?
  • What is Swift really proposing? Why does he use Satire?
  • What is Swift saying about the English, the Irish?

Your assignment is to comment in regards to these questions, making reference to what was discussed in class and the text. You might also think about researching some historical information in regards to the text (who Swift was, what was the situation in Ireland at this time). Here is a link that will get you started....

You must also open this up to a "fishbowl on line" meaning that you not just comment once but a variety of times (especially those of you who did not comment) making reference to other people's comments.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Napoleon.. fulfiller or antithesis of the French Revolution?

Based on our discussions from the Napoleon Movie, your textbook and the 2 pictures (see links below) should Napoleon be considered a fulfillment to the French Revolution or an antithesis of the French Revolution?

Use the pictures to support your answer. What do each picture represent? How do the pictures symbolize both Napoleon and the Revolution?

1) Bonaparte at the Grand-Saint-Bernard Pass (notice the other names on the stones.. i.e. Hannibal)

2) The Coronation of Napoleon

The following link talks about these and other Napoleon paintings.....

Did Napoleon fufill the original goals of the French Revolutiion that were established at the Tennis Court Oath?

Did the goals of the French revolution change over time? Why or why not?

Is Napoleon considered to be a hero? Why or why not?

This is required for Group 3, however, all can participate. Remember you must comment and also make reference to someone else's comment. It is okay to diagree with your classmates!!!!