McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

When is a revolution justified?

As we study the French Revolution, I want you to think about what a revolution is and whether or not a revolution can be justified. In your opinion what is a revolution ( what are the steps for a revolution, the goal of a revolution) and secondly what makes a revolution justified? You might think about revolutions today, who should start the revolution, is it not justified until the final outcome is assessed, who decides whether or not it is justified....

Thomas Jefferson once said that a revolution must occur every 20 years. Link onto the following site and read the top section to support your opinion.

Along with stating your opinion, you are required to not only comment on my post, but another one of your classmates comment. I am trying to encourage more of a dialogue on the blog, then a single comment. Remember, if you diagree or agree with another comment, support why you are agreeing or disagreeing with them.

Reminder... this is required for group 2, however, all western civ students may comment!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quotes on the Enlightenment

Your homework check for last week was to bring in a quote that you believed symbolized or defined the Enlightenment. After reading your quotes, I thought I would share with you a few of them, and would like you to further the discussion on how the following quotes symbolized or defined the Enlightenment. Pick at least one quote to discuss and feel free to respond to comments made by others. You only have to comment one time, however, I would encourage you to not only respond to the quote(s), but the comments of your fellow classmates....

Another topic of discussion would be discuss how these quotes defined the period of the enlightenment and if they are relevant today.

Quote 1: "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." - Galileo

Quote 2: "I dissaprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

Quote 3: "Curiosity is the lust of the mind." Hobbes

Quote 4: "All mankind... being all equal and independant, no one ought to harm another in his life, helath, liberty, or possessions." - Locke

Please comment by Monday January 23.

Welcome To Western Civilization Part Two

Welcome to Western Civilization Part Two! Altough I know the majority of you, there are several of you that I am still awaiting to get to know. In doing so I would like to hear from each one of you about what you are expecting from this class, from myself and your classmates. For those of you who have taken my class before, there are a few changes that will be in place (i.e. blogging) and I look forward to receiving feedback on what you like, dislike, and what can be improved.
Please take a moment to comment on what your expectations are for this class, your expectations of yourself and your expectations of the teacher. I am interested in seeing what your goals are for this class and how I can assist you in reaching these goals. I look forward to getting to know each one of you as we embark on our journey!

Please post to this blog by Wed January 25th.