McBride's Western Civilization Blog

A place for students to share ideas that are discussed in 11th grade Western Civilization.

Location: Centennial, Colorado, United States

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Citizenship in a time of terror..

Not sure if any of you watch Boston Legal, but one of the last episodes has sparked some great debate around the United States. Although this is not a U.S. history class, I still feel as though the discussions from this clip will be worthwhile to you.

Go to the following website,
then go to honorees, then go to the Boston Legal Clip that is the 2nd listing under the honoree page, and then click on the movie clip (aprox. 6 minutes) and post your comments.

Things to consider- the role of government in a time of terror, the role of citizens living in a democratic nation, the bill of rights- are they limited/should they be limited/ who then decides, does protesting = a bad/unpatriotic person

Think also about the limitations of government, especially since we are entering a stage of European history, where governments overpowered their people (end of WWI, WWII and the Cold War) and ruled without allowing any opposition....

This is a group 2 blog, but all are welcome to comment... remember to not only comment but make reference to other comments and state why you agree/disagree etc... its always fun to play devils advocate!